Hormone Ethylene Gas
Hormone Ethylene gas is a gaseous hormone that is active in plant life in the process of fruit ripening. Applications containing ethephon, the performance of synthetic ethylen run optimally so that the goal for ripe fruit can be achieved quickly. (example: Etephon, Protephon) trademarks, among others: Prothephon 480SL. Ethylene gas is found in many fruits that are old.
How it Works and Function Hormone Ethylene Gas:
-To encourage ripening,
Provide the opposite effect with some influence of the hormone auxin.
-To encourage or inhibit the growth and development of roots, leaves, stems, and flowers.
Apical-Meristem shoot tip, young leaves, embryos in seeds.
Hormone Ethylene gas is a gaseous hormone that is active in plant life in the process of fruit ripening. Applications containing ethephon, the performance of synthetic ethylen run optimally so that the goal for ripe fruit can be achieved quickly. (example: Etephon, Protephon) trademarks, among others: Prothephon 480SL. Ethylene gas is found in many fruits that are old.
How it Works and Function Hormone Ethylene Gas:
-To encourage ripening,
Provide the opposite effect with some influence of the hormone auxin.
-To encourage or inhibit the growth and development of roots, leaves, stems, and flowers.
Apical-Meristem shoot tip, young leaves, embryos in seeds.
Ethylene is a growth hormone produced from the result of normal metabolism in plants. Ethylene plays a role in fruit ripening and leaf loss. Ethylene is also called ethene. Ethylene compounds in plants are found in the gas phase, so called ethylene gas. Ethylene gas is colorless and volatile
Ethylene has a fairly simple structure and is produced in higher plants.
Ethylene is often used by our distributors and importers of fruit. The fruit is packaged in a not yet ripe when the fruit traders transported. Having arrived for trade, fruit is given ethylene (brooded) so quick to cook.
In fruit ripening, ethylene acts by breaking chlorophyll in young fruit, making fruit has only xantofil and carotene. Thus, the color becomes orange or red fruit
If the concentration of ethylene dangat higher than hormones auxin and gibberellin, ethylene can inhibit the formation of stems, roots, and flowers. However, ethylene also can stimulate the formation of interest when, together with the hormone auxin
experienced during the ripening of fruit, then the existing network in the fruit increased ethylene gas production ...
ethylene gas is able to solve the chlorophyll in the young fruit until the fruit has only resulted in xantofil and xarotein or substance that makes skin becomes red or orange fruit. because chlorophyll has been reduced by ethylene gas ....
only that funfsi ethylene in ripening fruit, if the problem Raa, from sour to sweet when the fruit is ripe, it depends on whether or not vpemecahan sel2 perfect cork on the fruit or it could be caused by genetic factors.
Ethylene has a fairly simple structure and is produced in higher plants.
Ethylene is often used by our distributors and importers of fruit. The fruit is packaged in a not yet ripe when the fruit traders transported. Having arrived for trade, fruit is given ethylene (brooded) so quick to cook.
In fruit ripening, ethylene acts by breaking chlorophyll in young fruit, making fruit has only xantofil and carotene. Thus, the color becomes orange or red fruit
If the concentration of ethylene dangat higher than hormones auxin and gibberellin, ethylene can inhibit the formation of stems, roots, and flowers. However, ethylene also can stimulate the formation of interest when, together with the hormone auxin
experienced during the ripening of fruit, then the existing network in the fruit increased ethylene gas production ...
ethylene gas is able to solve the chlorophyll in the young fruit until the fruit has only resulted in xantofil and xarotein or substance that makes skin becomes red or orange fruit. because chlorophyll has been reduced by ethylene gas ....
only that funfsi ethylene in ripening fruit, if the problem Raa, from sour to sweet when the fruit is ripe, it depends on whether or not vpemecahan sel2 perfect cork on the fruit or it could be caused by genetic factors.